
Friday, June 7, 2024

AI tools categorized by their primary use case

AI tools

Normal Language Taking care of (NLP)

1. **GPT-4** (OpenAI)

2. **BERT** (Google)

3. **SpaCy**

4. **NLTK**

5 . **Hugging Face Transformers**

6. **AllenNLP**

7. **TextBlob**

8. **Gensim**

9. **CoreNLP** (Stanford)

10. **Dialogflow** (Google)

Artificial intelligence Frameworks

1. **TensorFlow** (Google)

2. **PyTorch** (Facebook)

3. **Scikit-Learn**

4. * *Keras**

5. **XGBoost**

6. **LightGBM**

7. **CatBoost**

8. **Caffe**

9. **Theano**

10. **MXNet**

PC Vision

1. **OpenCV**

2. **Convolutional Mind Associations (CNNs). Used for consistent picture affirmation.

3. **Detectron2** (Facebook)

4. **Maske R-CNN**

5. **Dlib**

6. **FaceNet**

7. **VGGFace**

8. **DeepFace**

9. **ImageAI**

10. **RetinaNet**

Voice affirmation

1. **Google Cloud Talk to-Text**

2. **Amazon Transcribe**

3. **Microsoft Purplish Blue Talk Services**

4. **DeepSpeech** (Mozilla)

5. **CMU Sphinx**

6. **Kaldi**

7. **Julius**

8. **Wit. ai** (Facebook)

9. **IBM Watson Specht to Text**

10. **Houndify**

Text-to-Talk (TTS)

1. **Google Text-to-Speech**

2. **Amazon Polly**

3. **Microsoft Sky blue TTS**

4. **IBM Watson Text to Talk Premium Text-to-Speech**

5. **Festival Talk Mix System**

6. **eSpeak**

7. **MaryTTS**

8. **ResponsiveVoice**

9. **Voxygen**

10. **Natural Reader**

Support Learning

1. **OpenAI Gym**

2. **Stable Baselines**

3. **Ray RLlib**

4. **Unity ML-Agents**

5. **TF-Agents**

6. **Coach** (Intel)

7. **RLcard**

8. **DeepMind Lab**

9. **Baseline** (OpenAI)

10. **Dopamine** (Google)

Data Portrayal

1. **Tableau**

2. **Power BI* *

3. **D3.js**

4. **Matplotlib**

5. **Seaborn**

6. **Plotly**

7. **ggplot2**

8. **Bokeh**

9. **Dash**

10. **Altair**


1. **Google Cloud AutoML**

2. **H2O。 ai**

3. **Auto-sklearn**

4. **TPOT**

5. **DataRobot**

6. **AutoKeras**

7. **TransmogrifAI** (Salesforce)

8. **Microsoft Sky blue AutoML**

9. **MLBox**

10. **BigML**

Man-made Insight Progression Stage

1. **IBM Watson**

2. **Google PC-based insight Platform**

3. **Amazon SageMaker**

4. **Microsoft Purplish blue Machine Learning**

5. **H2O. ai**

6. **DataRobot**

7. **Datarobot**

8. **RapidMiner**

9. **Alteryx**

10. **KNIME**

Mechanical innovation

1. **ROS (Robot Working System)**

2. **V-REP (CoppeliaSim)**

3. **Gazebo**

4. **Move It!**

5. **PyRobot** (Facebook)

6. **RoboDK**

7. **Webots**

8. **TurtleBot**

9. **Nao**

10. **Aldebaran Robotics**

Ethics and Sensibility in PC-based knowledge

1. **AI Goodness 360** (IBM)

2. **Fairness Index** (Google)

3. **Fairlearn** (Microsoft)

4. **What-If Tool** (Google)

5. **Themes**

6. **Stocks**

7. **Deon**

8. **Pandas AI**

9. **TensorFlow-Modellanalyse**

10. **Egalitarian**

free AI voice generators

1. **Google Text-to-Speech (TTS)**    - **Website:** [Google Text-to-Speech]( /text-to-speech)    - *...