
Showing posts with label various AI tools categorized by their primary use case:. Show all posts
Showing posts with label various AI tools categorized by their primary use case:. Show all posts

Friday, June 7, 2024

AI tools categorized by their primary use case

 AI tools are categorized by their primary use case

AI tools

Normal Language Taking care of (NLP)

1. **GPT-4** (OpenAI)

2. **BERT** (Google)

3. **SpaCy**

4. **NLTK**

5 . **Hugging Face Transformers**

6. **AllenNLP**

7. **TextBlob**

8. **Gensim**

9. **CoreNLP** (Stanford)

10. **Dialogflow** (Google)

Artificial intelligence Frameworks

1. **TensorFlow** (Google)

2. **PyTorch** (Facebook)

3. **Scikit-Learn**

4. * *Keras**

5. **XGBoost**

6. **LightGBM**

7. **CatBoost**

8. **Caffe**

9. **Theano**

10. **MXNet**

PC Vision

1. **OpenCV**

2. **Convolutional Mind Associations (CNNs). Used for consistent picture affirmation.

3. **Detectron2** (Facebook)

4. **Maske R-CNN**

5. **Dlib**

6. **FaceNet**

7. **VGGFace**

8. **DeepFace**

9. **ImageAI**

10. **RetinaNet**

Voice affirmation

1. **Google Cloud Talk to-Text**

2. **Amazon Transcribe**

3. **Microsoft Purplish Blue Talk Services**

4. **DeepSpeech** (Mozilla)

5. **CMU Sphinx**

6. **Kaldi**

7. **Julius**

8. **Wit. ai** (Facebook)

9. **IBM Watson Specht to Text**

10. **Houndify**

Text-to-Talk (TTS)

1. **Google Text-to-Speech**

2. **Amazon Polly**

3. **Microsoft Sky blue TTS**

4. **IBM Watson Text to Talk Premium Text-to-Speech**

5. **Festival Talk Mix System**

6. **eSpeak**

7. **MaryTTS**

8. **ResponsiveVoice**

9. **Voxygen**

10. **Natural Reader**

Support Learning

1. **OpenAI Gym**

2. **Stable Baselines**

3. **Ray RLlib**

4. **Unity ML-Agents**

5. **TF-Agents**

6. **Coach** (Intel)

7. **RLcard**

8. **DeepMind Lab**

9. **Baseline** (OpenAI)

10. **Dopamine** (Google)

Data Portrayal

1. **Tableau**

2. **Power BI* *

3. **D3.js**

4. **Matplotlib**

5. **Seaborn**

6. **Plotly**

7. **ggplot2**

8. **Bokeh**

9. **Dash**

10. **Altair**


1. **Google Cloud AutoML**

2. **H2O。 ai**

3. **Auto-sklearn**

4. **TPOT**

5. **DataRobot**

6. **AutoKeras**

7. **TransmogrifAI** (Salesforce)

8. **Microsoft Sky blue AutoML**

9. **MLBox**

10. **BigML**

Man-made Insight Progression Stage

1. **IBM Watson**

2. **Google PC-based insight Platform**

3. **Amazon SageMaker**

4. **Microsoft Purplish blue Machine Learning**

5. **H2O. ai**

6. **DataRobot**

7. **Datarobot**

8. **RapidMiner**

9. **Alteryx**

10. **KNIME**

Mechanical innovation

1. **ROS (Robot Working System)**

2. **V-REP (CoppeliaSim)**

3. **Gazebo**

4. **Move It!**

5. **PyRobot** (Facebook)

6. **RoboDK**

7. **Webots**

8. **TurtleBot**

9. **Nao**

10. **Aldebaran Robotics**

Ethics and Sensibility in PC-based knowledge

1. **AI Goodness 360** (IBM)

2. **Fairness Index** (Google)

3. **Fairlearn** (Microsoft)

4. **What-If Tool** (Google)

5. **Themes**

6. **Stocks**

7. **Deon**

8. **Pandas AI**

9. **TensorFlow-Modellanalyse**

10. **Egalitarian**